Three Tools to Overcome Fear
What did you fear as a child? Can’t you still remember that horrific feeling? The feeling of being terrorized by something you felt powerless to stand against? But as you matured, you realized what you feared wouldn’t hurt you. Or perhaps, it didn’t even exist at all.
Sure, you’ve outgrown your phobia of monsters in the closet, but have you traded it in for a far more dangerous fear? We’re all called to do something remarkable. But here’s a really scary thought: Most people will never get there because of fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of what people will say or think. Fear of failure. Fear of success.
Are you afraid to take a chance to start a business? To make your first full-time hire? To go after a major client? Fear can parade itself in many disguises including procrastination, analysis paralysis and even busyness. How do you overcome fear? Here are three resources to help you kick fear to the curb so that you can get on the road to being all you were created to be professionally and personally.
VIDEO: How to Overcome Fear of Failure
In this seven minute coaching video, I’ll take you through an exercise to pick your fear apart so you overcome the fear of failure and take your power back.
VIDEO: How to Get Over the Fear of Success
To whom much is given, much is required. Are you afraid of what will be required of you when success comes your way? Fear of losing relationships or having to meet unrealistic expectations? Here’s what you need to do about it.
BOOK: 5 Rules to Win in the Business of Being You
Your success isn’t just about you. There are people who are waiting to benefit from what you have to offer the world. How long will you keep them waiting? If you know that it’s time to step into your full potential, this highly interactive book, featuring twelve powerful coaching exercises will help you overcome fear, uncertainty and simply not knowing what to do so that you can make plans, not excuses. Order Your Copy
Don’t let fear stand between you and your success. Use these practical steps to put your boogeyman in its place so that you can make a bigger difference and enjoy all that life has to offer…on purpose!