FEAR: The Worst State for Your Career or Business
Forbes named Virginia the best state for business in America in 2013. Arizona was named best for career prospects. But before you pack your bags, what’s the worst state to live in if you want to succeed in your business or career?
The State of Fear.
Fear can cause you to function within the status quo even when you know there’s a more effective way to operate. Fear can keep you from making decisions you know are right for your business or career because you’re afraid of what people will think or say, or that they won’t support you. Living in this state can cause you to cannibalize your colleagues and would-be collaborators because a fear-based scarcity mentality says there isn’t enough success to go around.
How do you pack up and leave this dangerous state of mind for good? Here are three tips you can put into practice right now:
Tip #1: Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that can happen?” By identifying the potential risks, you can work to mitigate them. But remember, moving beyond mediocrity in your business or career will involve a certain level of risk.
Tip #2: Watch documentaries and read stories about successful people. Most have had to overcome failure or adversity to get where they are today. Filling up your mental databank with these case studies will help to condition you for the road ahead.
Tip #3: Do something that scares you at least once a month. It can be as bold as going skydiving (that’s on my list) or as mild as going to a restaurant without reading the Yelp reviews. The more you push yourself out of your comfort zone, the more comfortable you’ll become with discomfort.
No matter how favorable external conditions are in the state you live in, your state of mind is the greatest predictor of your professional success. Put these three tips into practice to keep fear in check.